A selection of reviews from happy clients…

  • "Amazing Diamond Light"

    "Indigo-Grace is an amazing Diamond Light who is revered and recommended by all in the Spiritual Community for her amazing counselling and healing abilities. Shine bright Indigo-Grace.”

    Tori Parton

  • "Highly recommend"

    "One of the most centred, real, authentic, enlightening therapeutic experiences I have ever had. Highly recommend a shamanic healing. x"

    Tiharna McGregor

  • "Integrity and skill"

    "I have known Indigo-Grace since 2016 and have known her to be a person of great integrity and skill.

    Her very presence is an inspiration. I applaud the quality of her work and her unstinting desire to be of real service."

    Carla van Raay

  • "Whole and grateful"

    "Many, many thanks for your unending support. I have come a long way and you have walked me through this journey, held my hand, guided me through all the hurdles and now I feel whole and grateful that I chose this and chose to walk the journey with you. You are great!"

    Caren Kosgei

  • "Genuine shifts"

    “My thought processes have genuinely shifted and I have changed a lot of previously held negative behaviours.

    I really want to thank you very much. The most powerful tool I now have is picturing myself as a child. It helps me redirect my thoughts and continue to make positive decisions. It is a tool that I would have never known I had until I came to see you. Thank you very much Indigo.”


  • "Potent inner child healing"

    "This weekend I gifted myself the gift of healing my inner child and the wounding I've carried through my mother's line. It was a potent session with Indigo-Grace and I highly recommend her services.

    I now have a deep connection to the feminine that I've never experienced before, to Gaia, through my yoni, into my womb, into my sacred heart. I feel it in my physical body. Amazing.

    I feel more whole than I've ever felt, what an amazing place to be able to serve from. So much gratitude."

    Jamie Hart

  • "Gift of getting to the core"

    "Indigo-Grace is a very powerful healer and psychic reader. Every time I have a healing or reading with her, huge shifts happen for me.

    She has the gift of getting to the very core of the issue, and then the healing ability to help me release those deep seated issues which have kept me stagnant in life. I have no hesitation in recommending Indigo.

    My deepest gratitude always."

    Maria La Ferrara

  • "I now believe I'm deserving"

    "I'm going so very well. Indigo-Grace's program helps me on a daily basis. Through this program, Indigo has helped me to now strongly believe in my capabilities, my intelligence, and that I am DESERVING!!!!! It feels so amazingly different and wonderful! I just got happy tears! I have even found a wonderful partner and we are so happy together.

    Thank you, hugs and blessings Indigo."

    Leslie D

  • "Powerful healer"

    "I’ve spoken to a few gents lately who this might help a lot. Indigo is an amazing and powerful healer who has done more for me in one 2.5 hour session than most people could manage in years. The time to let the divine feminine into our divine masculine is now and let all level up appropriately.

    Do it for our family our Queens or Kings and let’s become better versions of ourselves."

    Dale S

  • "Blown away"

    "I am a hard nut to crack and skeptical with those who say they can do what they purport. Indigo-Grace is not only real and totally grounded, she can absolutely stand by her abilities.

    I was literally blown away by her ability to espouse information I was only privy to. Scary but true.

    A beautiful heart leads and directs her into areas that can only improve and heal those who are seeking guidance in areas she touches.

    Any one who is seeking healing, I suggest Indigo Grace is your port of call."


  • "Greater clarity and direction"

    "The reading and shamanic healing to follow I had with Indigo-Grace has given me greater clarity, a stronger sense of inner peace and empowerment. It has moved me to the next level of awareness of self and life direction.

    It has also unified the child aspect of myself with my adult self, creating a sense of wholeness and empowerment. I now have the awareness and the ability to move forward with actions which are more in line with my higher self. As a result, I have now met and married a wonderful man, quite different to any relationship I've had in the past."

    Kira Kostic

  • "Released deeper layers of trauma"

    "What I've received from the program so far has been incredible. It has been so parallel to my path outside of this journey, helping me look at the deeper layers of trauma patterning that has been running my life (or so it felt) for so long.

    From the very first 1:1, I knew I'd made the right decision for myself in joining this sisterhood. Indigo's insight pointed towards things I hadn't known were hanging around me so heavily, and helped me work through them, release it from my body.

    I highly recommend any women, particularly those who have struggled or are struggling with past trauma running their lives, to join this program. It has accelerated my healing in unexpected ways, and I am truly grateful."

    Ashleigh Morris

  • "Gained confidence in myself"

    “I participated in Soul Medicine Transformation in both one on one and group. My intention was to work on being my authentic self.

    Working with Indigo was an enlightening experience, as I was hiding from parts of myself. She helped me introduce light and nurture my inner-child … she helped me see the magic that happens.

    During this time I made some pivotal decisions about my passion and purpose as I made the shifts and gained confidence in myself. I am still experiencing doors opening and I am aligning with flow in a new direction.

    It’s a truly powerful, engaging and worthwhile journey.

    Thank you Indigo for holding the space for me to feel safe, seen and heard every step on the way. “

    S. Rix

  • "At peace and guilt free"

    "I booked in a couple of sessions with Indigo for some guidance regarding my career as I found myself at a career crossroad. I also experienced some anxiety issues as a result of work procedures. She listened to me without judgement and guided me to make some well informed decisions.

    Regarding my anxiety I left there, understanding more about why things happen and how to deal with it in the future. It was very enlightening for me and I felt guilt free regarding my thoughts and feelings I had in the past. It was a very positive experience and although confronting and not always pleasant to dig so deep, it left me feeling at peace and accepting of my past journey. It is what made me the way I am, but it doesn’t mean I can’t change the direction of the future and how I deal with things.

    As Indigo predicted, a month after our session I received the answer to my career dilemma. Unbeknown to me, my workplace has created a position for me due to my experiences in my interested fields. I felt on top of the world and couldn’t wait to tell Indigo!"


  • "Connection and inspiration"

    "I just had a session with Indigo-Grace and I am speechless! She was SPOT on. The reading brought tears to my eyes. She gave my guidance with my relationship and she told me things from my past, his past and exactly what the deep down issues we are facing are caused from. She even told me the profession I want to go to school for and I just started looking into this profession 2 weeks ago.

    This woman is truly gifted and is such an amazing inspiration.

    Also, I'm able to see energy but I'm pretty sure the normal eye would be able to see the glowing energy around this woman. I couldn't focus because she had such beautiful glowing energy which I know is straight from her connection to other realms.

    From start to finish she brought me the message and guidance I needed to hear. I'm truly blessed to have received this reading and I look forward to having more guidance from her in the future!!"

    Kim Foy

  • "Lifechanging. Transformational"

    "I had a session with Indigo and I have to say it was life changing. There was something I really wanted to shift and try as I might I couldn't "think" my way out of. Along came Indigo and she was able to kindly and graciously hold space and help me move through what I needed. So very grateful. Thank you."

    Updated testimonial:

    "I actually have to say that the last session that we had has been absolutely TRANSFORMATIONAL. I know I wrote to you shortly after, saying something but still now I feel myself having conversations, being in situations and articulating myself in such a different way.

    Last session we worked on "giving my inner child what she needed" I used to imagine my "inner child being a sad and lonely little girl" and I found that it manifested in my life by being in victim mode or wanting someone to "come save me", whenever I was triggered by something.

    I now feel like I am able to take full responsibility for my life, and I am able to articulate my boundaries much more clearly and calmly. I relate to people in stressful situations in a much more calm and "adult way", it's been life changing - wish I had know this was a "thing" 5, 10, 20 years ago!

    I would say to anyone "sort your inner child sh!t out". You did it in such a lovely, calm, safe way too.

    Thank you!"

    Katie Earl

  • "Lightness, peace, freedom"

    "I felt lighter than I have in a long time. A kind of reassurance and peacefulness. The ancestral stuff has given me a feeling of belonging that I have never really felt outside of David and my babies. Like someone has my back, that I am a part of something humanly dimensional not just an earthly if that makes sense. Feeling very grateful and excited for the freedom felt and that I hope to continue to feel.

    I have done some readings on the totem animals that you felt at the sacred fire space. It gave me a very warm and almost homely feeling with the deer and am in awe of the power of the crow. I will be more mindful of seeing them near me and hope they continue to help me through.

    Feeling like the symbolic visualisation of placing that heavy grey concrete at the feet of those to whom it belongs will be a great healing process and tool for me. Like the weight of the anger and resentment is solely held in those cinder blocks and I can swim further and freely towards the sunset on the horizon of possibilities.

    Feeling humbled and peaceful and I thank you and all the forces that be. xx"


  • "Results were just amazing"

    "I was blown away by the session I had with Indigo. She was able to tune into my energy and get straight to the heart of the issues that were currently impacting my life.

    Indigo could see what and how I was dealing with issues as well as what needed to be addressed at a soul level. She picked up straight away about the passing of my father and the issues associated with that. She was also able to provide healing to an issue that was affecting our family and the results have now shifted the dynamics to make everything much calmer. The results were just amazing.

    I decided to follow through with a shamanic healing. I’d never had one before and Indigo made me feel comfortable about the work I needed to do and I wanted to work through it with her.

    During the session Indigo was able to accurately pinpoint the issues that were affecting me on a soul level. I was aware of these but did not know how to deal with them. With Indigo guiding me through what needed to be done I’ve been able to cut ties and heal issues that have been holding me back over time and beyond.

    Doing something like this is life changing!! It’s liberating and allows you to move forward with more purpose and freedom. In my case it has empowered me more and brought about an understanding in myself that will help me attract better things to my life and live more aligned and fully present in the future."

    Sam C

  • "Safety, trust and integrity"

    "I feel very fortunate and blessed to have met Indigo-Grace. No words can really express the transformation that has happened within me since I had a session with her, yet I will try.

    Indigo-Grace is a powerful healer and anyone that has the opportunity to have a healing with her should go for it. You will not be disappointed. Indigo had the psychic ability to touch a shadow part of myself from my childhood that I locked deeply in my heart. I shared this time with nobody. It was my own painful secret. It was a period of my life that brought me much pain and guilt only creating unconscious negative patterns in my life to the present day. I was shocked that Indigo was able to pinpoint this and could know so much about me.

    Indigo’s shamanic healing practice which followed, lasted for three hours and created a safe condition of trust and integrity so that I felt ready to be taken on a journey back to when this event happened. Indigo’s inner child therapy together with an astute psychic awareness and shamanic tools made me feel like she was sharing the time with me and holding my hand throughout the process. We were both time travelling in the past and the here and now simultaneously. It was a deeply emotional process and I was able to heal from the source of the problem through Indigo’s suggestions and compassionate presence.

    Indigo’s therapy is gentle and powerful and it is through her kindness and nurturing that I was able to heal this part of my soul with her. Indigo also worked with soul retrieval and brought back a part of me that I blocked for so long. I feel now complete. Today, I am able to look back at that time with love and maturity having released it out of the cavern and into the light.

    I thoroughly recommend Indigo-Grace as a healer. She is the real deal. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for her help. Thank you Indigo!"

    Leslie Franklin

  • "Indigo holds space in a way that’s very nurturing and true to her talents and abilities"

    “Looking for a space to help me into finding a community to allow me to work on my own internal and external relationships. I entered circle with Indigo and some wonder women.

    This space provided a little something else; trust and connection. Heart-felt allowance. Respect and openness to my spirit and process.

    I found this space one of open listening, internal and external validation and fully being allowed to share as much or as little as I needed throughout the weeks.

    A stepping stone to my trust with working with others.

    Being part of this group and the women who attended was very heartfelt. It’s a respectful and honouring space. Many laughs and tears along the way whatever you allow yourself to go through. The light of spirit that shines in, confirmations and open communication can be profound.

    Indigo holds space in a way that’s very nurturing and true to her talents and abilities.

    There’s something so special when women come together

    If you’re looking for a space to help you in your own self-care ritual or just wanting to be held as a woman you may consider this beautiful space with Indigo-Grace.”

    D. Baldwin

  • "I have a voice again"

    My experience began before I even made the call to book a session, the power of intuitive calling to reach out and find what or who was available, I had just bought a kitten and named her Indigo days before the alignment of finding Indigo-Grace.

    The week leading up to the process began, I was tender. My heart was yearning for freedom of past trauma and wounds, the energy I was carrying was heavy.

    The immersion intensive was phenomenal, My heart and soul felt the space that was held felt like home, this is a vital part of doing the work. During the process all that came was all that I knew that was bubbling under the surface. I reclaimed my healthy feminine.

    The biggest whole body and mind shift is that I am now back home in my body, no longer operating from a place of constant fight, flight, freeze expression. So life feels and is so incredibly different for me. I have a VOICE again.

    I am learning and witnessing myself stepping into conversation which, for my whole life, I have avoided. Now walking into them with courage, knowing my voice is mine. This is allowing me to deepen my friendships and relationships, this is what life is for me now. I leaned into this inner healing work to reconnect and no longer sacrifice my wellbeing in order to keep the peace, it is our birth right.

    I am so deeply thankful for your divine soul holding space for humans who want to heal their soul wounding.”

    Kieana Rose